2 min read
To Live is to Risk it All

Most of the time when doing something, You don’t do your bests, you don’t try as hard as you can, because you actually don’t want to think that you couldn’t do better. It’s comforting to think that you could be in another position if you had given 100% rather than give 100% and fail.

You’re afraid of success as much as you’re afraid of failure. It’s comfortable to be in the middle, it’s easier to lie to yourself that if you really wanted it you could have it instead of accepting you could not.

When you compromise yourself to give your best in something you will only accept two results a complete success or a complete failure. What you do though is just stay in the middle, do just what’s enough to not fail but have the possible fake feeling that you could’ve done better.

If you didn’t do better, you couldn’t have done better.

If you didn’t go 100% in a project or in a relationship because you wanted to have a plan B means you spent your time planning for failure. If you want to have a plan B you shouldn’t even have a plan A.

You’re essentially planing for failure.

“If you don’t go all in you’re just being a coward. To live is to risk it all, otherwise, you’re just an inert chunk of randomly assembled molecules drifting wherever the universe blows you.” — Rick Sanchez